nonhuman FAQ carrd

last updated: 23/06/21 (non-American format)

this is a simple and easy to read carrd
regarding nonhumans. there is also another carrd however some have said it was hard to read so I am making this for those who are curious. if you wish to contact me and ask any questions I have not answered my discord is waitafrikk#7891

the basics:
someone may be nonhuman for many reasons:
spiritual, neurodivergence, DID/OSDD or psychosis.

the label "nonhuman" is an umbrella term and encompasses otherkin, therians, delusional attachments and alters.

some do not use any of these labels and prefer to go by just nonhuman.
it is important to respect our choices in labels.

the differences
there are several differences between the labels. otherkin is an umbrella term for spiritual nonhumans and encompasses any nonhuman being believing in past lives and reincarnation.

therians are otherkin but are generally animals like cats or dogs.
delusional attachments are a symptom of psychosis and are exclusive to those with this symptom.

nonhuman alters form in a DID or OSDD system and are different to the other labels because they are genuinely the form that they formed as. it is different to otherkins (who are nonhuman souls in the wrong body).

This is also completely different to being a furry, being a furry is a choice, being nonhuman is not

commonly asked questions

1. is this roleplay?
no. it is 100% serious and very important to our lives and general beings, please do not ask "Is this a joke" or anything of that variation. did you realise/find out?
this question gets asked a lot and many of us don't like being asked, because it is similar to asking a human how they knew they were human. it is different for all of us but the answer is generally the same - we just know/its a feeling we always had this related to your gender?
no, it is completely separate

4.what is reality checking? (TW)
reality checking (in this context) is telling a nonhuman that they are human. this is incredibly triggering and abelist - especially towards nonhuman alters. please do not reality check us in any way.

5. "but this isn't possible"
there have been many articles studying the idea of being nonhuman, and there are many examples in history of otherkininity and nonhumanism.

here are some links for more information
(will be more updated as more links are provided)

( Made with Carrd )